NORWEL Allmøte #3

3. juni 2024


- 12:00


Welcome to the 3rd NORWEL-allmøte!

Since we have quite some new members since last we met, here some words to what an allmøte is. In short, allmøte are the general assemblies in our research school. They take place twice a year, always on the first Mondays in June and November. Allmøte provide a regular meeting place for all involved in NORWEL.

Each allmøte starts with a short lecture + discussion to a topic of your choosing, followed by an exchange of ideas to and about the research school.

The topic for the next meeting is  Do’s and don’ts when writing research articles.

For this lecture, we have the pleasure to hear from Tony Ghaye who is a professor at Loughborough University (UK) and a professor II at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. He has published 16 academic books and 143 scientific papers, so it is safe to say that he should know all there is to know about this topic. What’s more, Tony has been an editor for several journals.

Please use the opportunity to discuss your experiences with the “publishing game” – not the least about how you dealt with the bitter news about your paper being rejected and what to do next.

Hope to see you all in June!