Webinar on the intellectual potential of social work

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Public Lecture
The Theory Practice Nexus:
Social Workers as Intellectuals
January 24, 2025

The International Social Work & Society Academy (TiSSA), Ghent University, Leuven University and UC Louvain organise – in the framework of the specialist doctoral course ‘Social Work as a Practice of Transparency’ – four online public lectures. The central theme of this years program is The Theory Practice Nexus.

The first lecture will take place on January 24, 2025 from 9.30 to 12.30 CET on ‘Social Workers as Intellectuals’ with the following contributions:

• Prof. dr. Rudi Roose
Ghent University, Belgium
“Re-intellectualising social work: the importance of useless theories”

• Prof. dr. Paul Michael Garret
University of Galway, Ireland
“‘Social workers as intellectuals?”

Here in attachment, you can find a detailed description of the program and the link to the ZOOM session.

Participation is free of charge and registration is not required.

More information about TiSSA and the upcoming lectures and dates can be found through this link.