PhD-course: Perspectives on collaboration with children at NTNU April 2025

Thumbnail image for PhD-course: Perspectives on collaboration with children at NTNU April 2025

Course: Perspectives on collaboration with children

Time: 23.-25. april 2025

Where: NTNU, Helgaseter, Vangslundsgate 2, Trondheim. Rom 03-045

Course content

The course is a collaboration between NTNU and University of Stavanger, and will problematize and discuss the inclusion and recognition of children as partners in childhood and welfare institutions based on various social pedagogical perspectives, including dialogism and critical pedagogy. The inclusion of children as partners is enshrined in both social policy and legal guidelines for upbringing and welfare services.

The course will draw on recent research on collaboration between children and professionals. The purpose of the thematic area is to discuss challenges related to cooperation with children within different institutional frameworks.

The course will safeguard NTNU’s commitment to sustainable development and relate to section 10.2 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (promoting inclusion regardless of age, gender and disability), section 16.6 (effective, responsible and open institutions) and section 16.7 (responsiveness, inclusive, participant-based and representative decision-making processes at all levels).

For more information about the course, see the Course Description. For information about admission see Admission information

Onsdag 23.04.25 Rom: 03-045Tema: Barn som samarbeidspartnere (nyere forskning)
9.15 – 09.45Velkommen, introduksjon og presentasjon av deltakerne v/Randi Juul, førsteamanuensis, NTNU, Inger Sofie Dahlø Husby, førsteamanuensis, NTNU og Mikhail Gradovski, professor, UiS  
9.45- 10.30The children as the group in the EU`s official documents and white papers v/Mikhail Gradovski  
10.45-12.00Barn som samarbeidspartnere (nyere forskning) v/Randi Juul og Inger Sofie Dahlø Husby
12.45- 15.00Workshop, presentasjon og kommentarer: -PhD-kandidater presenterer eget prosjekt, diskusjon om hvordan kursets tema kan passe inn i prosjektet (teori, metodologi, datainnsamling)
Torsdag 24.04.25 Rom: 03-045Tema: Teoretiske pedagogiske perspektiver
9.15-10.30Dialogism v/ Mikhail Gradovski  
10.45-12.00Nyere sosialpedagogiske perspektiver og samarbeid v/Randi Juul og Inger Sofie Dahlø Husby
12.45-15.00Workshop, presentasjon og kommentarer: -Gruppearbeid med utgangspunkt i oppgaver, presentasjon og diskusjon
Fredag 25.04.25 Rom: 03-058Tema: Institusjonelle og kulturelle rammer for samarbeid med barn
9.15-10.00Dialogue, agency and mulitvoicedness v/Mikhail Gradovski  
10.00-10.30Samarbeid med barn: Utfordringer i praksis v/Inger Sofie Dahlø Husby og Randi Juul
10.45-12.00Workshop: -Arbeide med abstract til eget paper, presentasjon og tilbakemelding
12.45-13.30Workshop fortsetter  
13.30-14.30Workshop fortsetter