PhD-course “Participation and social inclusion in social work and child welfare”
4. September 2023
- 6. September 2023
Course date 2023: 4-6. September in Trondheim
Course content:
Welfare services are challenged to improve services by making them more oriented towards participation, social inclusion and citizenship for people in marginalized positions. The complexity in individuals` situations and contexts affect welfare services. Political and scientific discussions emphasize participation and co-creation between actors such as individuals, civil society, NGOs, private and public sectors to make social just and sustainable services and welfare. The participation and co-creation take place at individual, service and system levels. Relationships between participative actors at all levels are decisive in the processes of co-creation of welfare. Participation by different actors contribute to and support the knowledge axis that deals with changing marginalized positions. Participation may increase democratic processes in co-creation of welfare services and lead to social inclusion and empowerment. The course will emphasize relevant theoretical perspectives on participation and social inclusion.
More information and application deadline: